Ridge Clean Energy (RCE) is once again delighted to support local community efforts and provide funding to enable Wilbrahams’ Memorial...
Three Oaks REP will combine solar generation with battery storage, making a meaningful contribution to the area’s energy needs by...
Inveraray Pier on Loch Fyne, a beloved Argyllshire landmark, reopens to the delight of the local community. After ten years of...
Ridge Clean Energy secures planning permission for 49.9MW Renewable Energy Park in East Cambridgeshire.
Ridge Clean Energy (RCE) has filed a planning application with the Energy Consents Unit of the Scottish Government for Ladyfield...
RCE and Inspire Inveraray have together raised over £244k enabling the community to purchase the pier and begin essential restoration...
“Throughout 2022 and spring 2023, Ridge Clean Energy (RCE) proudly supported the Queen’s Green Canopy initiative by sponsoring tree planting...
We have met with parish councillors, community groups and charities with the aim to encourage and support local communities on...
The proposed 39MW park, situated in the East Riding of Yorkshire, would pair solar with battery storage. The combination of...