Our Community

A real and valuable transition to renewable energy can only come about with the support and consideration of the communities it affects. Because of this, we design and build our Renewable Energy Parks in a collaborative way, as good neighbours, which creates continuing local benefits to communities and benefits of reducing carbon emissions to the whole of the UK.


Ridge Clean Energy - Our Values

Community Initiatives

We work with communities to support projects that matter to them, so that our projects make a real difference to real people. For example, this might be looking after local landmarks, creating warm spaces, saving energy or investing in education.

In partnering with communities, we also look beyond renewable energy parks, using our resources and expertise to advance community initiatives that are important to them. Examples include ‘Warm Spaces’ at village halls and local hotels, Energy Efficiency Training helping to address fuel poverty in communities, installation of WIFI in community buildings to help senior citizens, and Climate Care Award Scheme highlighting awareness of climate issues in schools.

Community Benefit Funds

Ridge Clean Energy believes communities should share the progress and advantages of a future powered by renewable energy. Therefore, each of our Renewable Energy Parks includes a dedicated Community Benefit Fund for the local area.

The fund provides money for the local community each year, throughout the lifetime of the project’s operational life. The size of the fund is linked to a project’s technology (solar, wind, BESS, or combination of each) and scale.

Our team already has extensive experience with Community Benefit Funds (dating back to the early 2000s), having successfully implemented them for many currently operational wind farm parks.

Community Partnerships

We plan and develop projects hand-in-hand with community groups, focusing on how we can add long-term value to those local communities while adding renewable energy to the grid. Each Renewable Energy Park is assigned a Community Partnership Coordinator over the lifetime of a project, who builds a relationship with involved people in the area to identify and develop initiatives that support the community’s path to Net Zero.

How do we partner with a community?

Our Recent Work

We work closely with our community partners to find and support projects that matter to their communities and will have a genuine and long-lasting impact on the lives of local people. Here are some examples of our most recent work:

Inveraray Pier
Since 2020, we have been working with community leaders and groups in the town of Inveraray in Scotland, near to our Ladyfield park. Our team helped the community to apply for and secure £244,000 in funding to take ownership of the pier and restore it, finally seeing it open to the public for the first time in a decade in 2024. We supported local community negotiations with the previous pier owner, helping to provide the confidence that a repurchasing was possible. This was undertaken years before we submitted a planning permission application. Read more here.

Climate Care Awards
Education is a key part of our community work, which is why we have launched an innovative awards scheme – The Climate Care Awards – to encourage environmental awareness and action for individuals of all ages. Read more here.

Warm Spaces
We work with community groups, parish councils and community councils to provide Warm Spaces in local communities. Warm Spaces are places where people can gather for free in a warm, safe, welcoming place, while enjoying a hot drink with company. We have initiated and provided seed funding for these ideas, which include:

  • Warm Spaces at a local hotel, with simple lunch and hot drinks provided.
  • Meet and Heat at a community hall, with soup and hot drinks provided.
  • Warm Mornings at a village hall, with hot drinks, cakes and play equipment for families.
  • Breakfast Clubs at primary schools.

Some of these ‘Warm Spaces’ have turned into regular community coffee clubs continuing to support community cohesion, demonstrating the legacy work we strive to achieve. Read more here.